Painting with Love

Our Self Love Paint ‘n Sip proved how much painting, lattes, mixed with sisterhood just blends so well together. We had such a lovely time enjoying laughter, meaningful conversations, and creative fun all in the name of self love. And it was extra special thanks to a friend who joined us to continue her birthday celebrations!

We kicked off the event by doing one of our Unleash Your Melanin Magic self-care card activities, #9 Say What’s on a Sticky Note. This activity encourages writing up to 10 affirmations and putting them in visible places as daily reminders to celebrate what you admire about yourself. Women shared how they loved being caring, capable, patient, and having “Midwestern charm and Christian goodness wrapped in Chi-town gangsta.”

And we liked how one woman shared how she does “askfirmations” to reaffirm herself. Asking herself why does she come across so many opportunities.

After the opening activity, it was time to paint! Each woman painted a flower canvas as a reminder to give yourself your flowers.

As we painted, we answered questions to reflect on self love such as When do you feel the most beautiful? What has been most helpful to your self growth? What is one new thing you can start doing to show yourself more love? and more. This led to meaningful conversations and us opening up with sharing our self-love journeys.

We thank everyone for joining us for this event. A special thanks goes to Ms. Anita of PJs Coffee in Camp Springs, Md for accommodating us to host there and our friend for having MQC be a part of her birthday celebration!

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